To Comfort The Afflicted
And Afflict The Comfortable

To Comfort The Afflicted And Afflict The Comfortable

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Boston Deserves Its Trial


BY SUSAN ESTRICH Today’s issue is whether the trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the Boston Marathon bombing, delayed already, should be moved out of Boston. No way. How can a former president of the Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts [me] say such a thing? How could any decent liberal deny this young man, presumed innocent […]

Honoring Our Presidents


BY SUSAN ESTRICH The headline that caught my attention on Presidents Day could not have been starker, colder: “Intense Republican Hate Is Skewing Obama Polls.” It’s ironic because only a few days before, a number of pollsters had shown the president actually doing better in the popularity contest, even reaching 50% approval. But as we […]

An Exciting Democracy Movement Arises In Chicago


BY JIM HIGHTOWER Chicago! City of broad shoulders. Plutocratic hog butcher. Toolmaker for progressive change. Stacker of the wheat of grassroots power, wheat separated from the chaff of corporate politicians. Stormy, husky, brawling. Planning, building, breaking, rebuilding. Under its wrist is the pulse, and under its ribs is the heart of the people. Laughing! Proud […]

The Joneses Win: The Why Of Weak Consumer Spending


BY FROMA HARROP A new report on consumer spending shows that consumers are not spending. Economists thought that the savings from cheaper gasoline – hundreds of dollars a year for most – would be hauled to the stores. But non-gasoline retail spending didn’t budge last month, flat after falling a bit in December, according to […]

Big Lies, Little Lies And The Punishment Of Brian Williams


BY JOE CONASON The harshest penalties usually tend to be brutal, vengeful and excessive – even when the offender is a celebrity journalist like Brian Williams. Suspended without pay from his post as the NBC Nightly News anchor for six months, Williams may be facing the end of his career in television news, which would […]